Friday, September 12, 2008

Visit to the Dr.

Eric wanted to take Dominic to his first appt. while I stayed home with Marcus. He's doing GREAT! He now is 7 lbs 2 oz. He's a little jaundice, so the Dr. made him get lab work today. Dr. called tonight and the levels are fine. In a week Dominic will be getting his circumsicion.. ouch..Eric's taking him to that one, I took Marcus last time. Poor babies! Dominic was so good to me last night, he slept 4 hours straight! I have to say I'm enjoying getting up with him, it's a special time for the 2 of us. He's so sweet and makes the cutest little noises! We're all in love!!!!

1 comment:

Grandma Tina said...

I'm glad the Dr. visit went well.

I can't believe how much Dominic looked like Marcus as a newborn!