Friday, October 31, 2008
Sariah is YES on 8!! Funny story!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
VOTE Yes on 8!!!
Here is a email I sent to Eric's cousin regarding her concerns with YES on 8!
I do understand where you are coming from...For us it's not about hate or disrespect at all. We have gay and lesbian friends and associates. We don't agree with their lifestyle, but do love them as people. And there's also straight people we don't agree with their lifestyle and love them as people. I'm all for gays to have equal rights, but not for redefining marriage. Here are the reasons why we feel so strongly on YES( on the bottom of the pg). It's not all gays we think are going to mess with religion, it just takes one person to sue and it will cause a big mess. And there's no jurisdiction to stop that from happening. It effects us directly with adoption and marriages we hold sacred. Prop 22 passed 8 years ago by the people, and now our votes were overruled by one liberal judge in SF. He shouldn't have that much power, it should have gone to a vote.
Six Consequences the Coalition Has Identified If Proposition 8 Fails
1. Children in public schools will have to be taught that same-sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage.
The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. (§51890)
Therefore, unless Proposition 8 passes, children will be taught that marriage is between any two adults regardless of gender. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.
2. Churches may be sued over their tax exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings open to the public. Ask whether your pastor, priest, minister, bishop, or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.
3. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston already closed its doors in Massachusetts because courts legalized same-sex marriage there.
4. Religions that sponsor private schools with married student housing may be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if counter to church doctrine, or risk lawsuits over tax exemptions and related benefits.
5. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages may be sued for hate speech and risk government fines. It already happened in Canada, a country that legalized gay marriage. A recent California court held that municipal employees may not say: “traditional marriage,” or “family values” because, after the same-sex marriage case, it is “hate speech.”
6. It will cost you money. This change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits, including some already lost (e.g., photographers cannot now refuse to photograph gay marriages, doctors cannot now refuse to perform artificial insemination of gays even given other willing doctors). Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today’s activist judges), think of the money – your money – that will be spent on such legal battles.